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Artificial Intelligence & Intelligent Apps (I – Apps) - infohub1on1

Artificial Intelligence & Intelligent Apps (I – Apps) - infohub1on1

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First talking about AI, in computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), also called machine intelligence/language, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans.
I-Apps or Intelligent Apps are parts of software written for mobile devices based on artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, aimed at making everyday tasks easier. This involves tasks like organizing and listing emails, scheduling meetings, logging interactions, content, etc. Some familiar examples of I-Apps are Chatbots and virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, etc.
Artificial intelligence can be classified into three different types of systems:
·        Analytical
·        Human-inspired
·        Humanized artificial intelligence.
Analytical AI has only characteristics consistent with cognitive intelligence; generating cognitive representation of the world and using learning based on past experience to inform future decisions.
Human-inspired AI has elements from cognitive and emotional intelligence; understanding human emotions, in addition to cognitive elements, and considering them in their decision making.
Humanized AI shows characteristics of all types of competencies (i.e., cognitive, emotional, and social intelligence), is able to be self-conscious and is self-aware in interactions.
*I-Apps is a part of AI i.e. artificial intelligence.


(Source: Wikipedia)
Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956. The field of AI research was born at a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956. Attendees Allen Newell (CMU), Herbert Simon (CMU), John McCarthy (MIT), Marvin Minsky (MIT) and Arthur Samuel (IBM) became the founders and leaders of AI research. They and their students produced programs that the press described as "astonishing": computers were learning checkers strategies (c. 1954) (and by 1959 were reportedly playing better than the average human), solving word problems in algebra, proving logical theorems (Logic Theorist, first-run c. 1956) and speaking English. By the middle of the 1960s, research in the U.S. was heavily funded by the Department of Defence and laboratories had been established around the world. AI's founders were optimistic about the future: Herbert Simon predicted, "machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do". Marvin Minsky agreed, writing, "within a generation ... the problem of creating 'artificial intelligence' will substantially be solved".
According to Bloomberg's Jack Clark, 2015 was a landmark year for artificial intelligence, with the number of software projects that use Google AI increased from a "sporadic usage" in 2012 to more than 2,700 projects.

Examples (AI and I-Apps):

Some of the famous I-Apps which run on machine language or Artificial intelligence are Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa.


1.      Google Assistant: Developed by Google and available on various devices like on mobile and smart homes. It first came in the form of a messaging app named ‘Allo’ in 2016 and in April 2017, the Assistant has been and is being, further extended to support a large variety of devices, including cars and third-party smart home appliances.

*Google Assistant launched using the voice of Kiki Baessell for the American female voice.
On October 11th, 2019, Google announced that Issa Rae had been added to Google Assistant as an optional voice, which could be enabled by the user by saying "Ok Google, talk like Iss.

2.      Siri: Developed by Apple.inc and available on various devices like on iPhone, iPad, AirPods, Apple TV, Mac, etc. Original release on iPhone 4s in 2011 and with the release of iOS 10 in 2016, Apple opened limited third-party access to Siri. With the release of iOS 11, Apple updated Siri's voices for more clear, human voices, started supporting follow-up questions and language translation, and additional third-party actions.
*original American voice of Siri- by Susan Bennett
original British male voice- by Jon Briggs
original Australian voice- by Karen Jacobsen,

3.      Alexa: Developed by Amazon and first used in amazon echo smart speaker. Amazon had more than 5,000 employees working on Alexa and related products as of September 2017.
Amazon announced on September 25, 2019, that Alexa will soon be able to mimic celebrities’ voices including Samuel L. Jackson, costing $0.99 for each voice.

Future Challenges:

The overall goal of artificial intelligence is to create technology which allows computers and machines to function in an intelligent manner. The general problem of creating intelligence has been broken down into sub-problems. These consist of particular traits or capabilities that researchers expect an intelligent system to display.
The traits described below have received the most attention.
·        Planning
Intelligent agents must be able to set goals and achieve them. They need a way to visualize the future, a representation of the state of the world and be able to make predictions about how their actions will change it and be able to make choices that maximize the utility of available choices. As of now, no AI is capable to execute successful planning in a proper manner.
·        Learning
Machine learning (ML), a fundamental concept of AI research, is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. Unproven learning is the ability to find patterns in a stream of input, without requiring a human to label the inputs first. Controlled learning includes both classification and numerical regression, which requires a human to label the input data first. Classification is used to determine what category something belongs in and occurs after a program sees several examples of things from various categories. Regression is the attempt to produce a function that describes the relationship between inputs and outputs and predicts how the outputs should change as the inputs change.
·        Perception
Feature detection (pictured: edge detection) helps AI compose informative abstract structures out of raw data. Machine perception is the ability to use input from sensors (such as cameras (visible spectrum or infrared), microphones, wireless signals, and active lidar, sonar, radar, and tactile sensors) to deduce aspects of the world. Applications include speech recognition, facial recognition, and object recognition. Computer vision is the ability to analyze visual input. Such input is usually ambiguous; a giant, fifty-meter-tall pedestrian far away may produce the same pixels as a nearby normal-sized pedestrian, requiring the AI to judge the relative likelihood and reasonableness of different interpretations, for example by using its "object model" to assess that fifty-meter pedestrian does not exist.
Some more challenges include logical and reasoning solving, knowledge representation, social intelligence, etc


Now coming to conclusion, Artificial Intelligence which uses machine language for its proper functioning has totally changed our way of living by making our day to day work/task so simple and easy. Let's understand this with a simple example, now with the coming of AI and I-Apps in our daily life you don't have to do all the boring steps in setting alarm, just tell your assistant i.e. Google, Alexa or Siri to set alarm and sit back and relax. Not only alarm you can do your various task hassle-free like making calls, web surfing, listening to music and news, open apps, switch on/off of smart electronic devices, etc. With the increasing technology, AI is developing very fast

Talking about its negative effects, slowly AI has started taking place of humans which somehow a great concern because people fear to lose their jobs. We are developing AI in such a manner that soon they will have their own brain like of us, it reminds me of the movie 'TERMINATOR' that in future machines rule on earth. 
Concluding by comparing both the merits and demerits of AI, it is good to have development and increase in technology because, in the end, they are simplifying our life and making it easier, but keeping in mind that excess of everything is bad.

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