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How to Create a Professional Blog using Google Blogger- infohub1on1

Hello mate, welcome to infohub1on1, today I'm going to tell you about how you can make a clean and eye-catching website/blog using Google blogger which will create the first impression in your audience. Creating a beautiful blog is quite challenging for beginners but don't worry I will tell you how to do that. I'm using google blogger because it's free of cost and you can monetize it with Adsense and can earn some extra money without any initial investment, and later on, if you want to buy your own domain, you can do that easily. So without further delay let's get started.

I'm dividing this whole articles into the following parts:

  • About Blogger 
  • Benefits of using Blogger
  • 5 Simple Tips
  • Choosing Blogger Themes/Templets
  • Editing Theme Layout- adding gadgets
  • Must have Pages on blog
  • Monetization/Adsense Approval


Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. The blogs are hosted by Google and generally accessed from a subdomain of blogspot.comA user can have up to 100 blogs per account. Up until May 1, 2010, Blogger also allowed users to publish blogs to their own web hosting server, via FTP. All such blogs had to be changed to either use a blogspot.com subdomain, or point their own domain to Google's servers through DNS.
It is a great platform to share your knowledge and experience with those people who need some kind of useful information and in return, you can earn some money too, I will tell you this process too at the end. Now let's move to our next topics i.e. Benefits of using bloggers.


So I'm dividing this whole topic into three parts/category to better understand the importance/benefits of blogging, choose in which category you fall and go-ahead and be successful without wasting your precious time as said 'TIME IS MONEY' so why not convert that free time into some extra money.


Blogger is a platform where you share your knowledge with the world and as a student, you have many new ideas, knowledge, facts and many more in your mind so, combine them all and put at one place (i.e. your blogs) and let the world see your hard work and get inspired from you.
Every student/child is special and every one of us has different interests and hobbies - like reading books, dancing, arts, fitness, sports, travel, food, etc. Blogging might also be hobbies for some but it depends upon your area of interest as discussed earlier.

Let's understand this perfectly with an example- a student 'A' is very much conscious of his health and he has gained a good amount of knowledge about fitness and now wants to share his ideas or knowledge with the world then what he can do? he can publish his ideas/knowledge using his own blog where he is the leader, it will help him in the following ways:
  • improvement in his way of living because of the utilization of free time to some useful work
  • continuous writing posts increase language and writing experience which is much helpful in the study
  • can easily learn time management
  • a way of little earning and if became popular then a great way of earning  
  • can become famous or gain celebrities face and fan following and many more... 
So it's better to utilize free time and convert that into a bright future.


It's always better to have two sources of income rather than one because it gives relaxation in the mind of the employee/person to have some extra expenditure without having any change in their monthly family budget. You don't have to devote a lot of time to this cause you are taking this ''project of blogging'' as an extra source of income. You just have to write two to three posts a week that's it but while writing you have to stick to the main and genuine facts, solutions or information so that it can create a good impression on your audience/reader. Again in this category try to follow your area of interest and provide something new and you can grab the mind of your audience by doing this because today most of us keep large distance in writing and doing research work and starts copy-pasting articles from here and there. This trick is not going to help you in the long run or make you successful in this field. You can just take the idea from the internet and convert into your own original piece of work, following this trick will make you survive in the field of blogging and one day you must be successful, just don't lose your hope as it may take over 1-2 years or less than 2-3 months all depends upon your writing, doing research and providing your original work to your audience.
  • it can give you two source of income so just relax about money management/budget
  • regular practising can increase your work efficiency and maybe you get a promotion in your job
  • you won't feel bored in your work /job cause patients will automatically grow inside you
  • will become famous and have a fan following
  • if all go properly then you can leave your job which you don't like and can fully focus on this or search for a better job 



The first thing every beginner should keep in mind before starting a blog is deciding Topic, on which topic you are going to make a blog and publish your articles related to that particular topic only because it has been seen that someone makes a blog with title technology and there you are publishing articles related to study, food, business, fashion, etc. will not gonna work and will create a negative impact on your users/readers and he even never visits your site again. So be focused on your topic.


After deciding your topic choose whether you want to start a blog with the free or Paid domain name. Both have their own importance. If you are not able to purchase a domain name then it's better to go with a free domain name or if you are new to this field and don't want to spend money at a very beginning process then I would recommend you to go with a google blogger Blogger.com - Create a unique and beautiful blog. It’s easy and free. You will learn a lot in this process and after having a good amount of knowledge you can purchase your domain name and continue like professional blogs.


Here your focus should be on qualifying for the Adsense program and for this you have to write your post unique and having more than 600 words per post. There are many sites which will give you a platform to create your blog free but if you are starting a blog for generating some serious income choose paid domain name like .com, .uk, .us, .in, etc. because here you will get paid more than the free one like of blogspot.com. For this, you have to apply for Adsense to show ads on your blog. Know more about making money with Google Blogger AdSense.


After deciding all these now its time ...more


The theme allows you to turn your blog into an encyclopedia! So next and very important part of a good looking blog is to choose themes according to your blogging field for eg, person A has a blog on Gaming then the theme should be matching his content to get a beautiful and clean look. Don't go with google default templets as they are not of that much good and will not give professional look to your blog. There are lots of themes provider website but I personally use Gooyaabitemplates and will recommend you to choose your templets from here. Always go with SEO ready templet cause they are well optimized, support ads, quick loading of the page, etc. Choosing the correct templet is one of the major problems for all because there's a lot to choose from and all of them attract you, one thing to keep in mind while choosing a templet is that it looks simple and has easy navigation to your content. So it will be good to stick to SEO ready templets as it is more popular among bloggers and comes with all the necessary gadgets.
After selecting templets, download it and extract and copy the XML file to the desktop or to your desired location. After doing this its time to upload the XML file to your blog, for this follow the steps below:

go to 'theme'➡'backup/restore'➡'choose file' (now select the XML file and upload it normally)

Go to the theme and select Backup/Restore

Click on 'Choose File' and select the XML file from the desktop where you have saved

After uploading your desired templets now its time to change your layout and remove unwanted contents/gadgets and design your blog accordingly.


More than half of our work has been done, now its time to do the most important task i.e. editing theme layout adding gadgets and making our blog look attractive. Adding gadgets is simple you just have to click on add gadgets and then choose your gadgets and click on the plus button to add it. There's a lot of things you can do and customize your blog by adding different gadgets to your blog. The most useful gadgets are HTML/javascript which allows you to add any third-party links to your blog and also used for adding ads to blog.
You must add these following pages to your blog in the "Main Menu" option:
1. Home
(for home page copy-paste your blog URL and save it)
2. About Us
(copy-paste your about us URL and save it)
3. Contact Us
(for contact us page copy-paste your contact us URL and save it)
4. Privacy Policy
(for privacy policy page copy-paste your privacy policy URL and save it)
5. Disclaimer
(for disclaimer page copy-paste your disclaimer URL and save it)
NOTE: for URL first create pages with proper content and publish it and then copy-paste URL

In site, name write page name and in site URL paste that page URL

You must add these following gadgets to your blog:

1. Popular Post
2. Html/Javascript (for showing third-party links/ads)
3. Search
4. Subscribe
5. Author
6. Html/javascript (for linking FB page to your blog)

*If you have a Facebook page and want to connect it with the blog then just go to layout and then click on add gadgets( add gadgets to the sidebar to show your FB page followers) and then click on HTML/javascript and copy-paste the HTML Code there, for an idea of how it looks you can see mine.
  • after login to blogger's head towards Layout section 
Click on Layout
  • after opening layout choose where you want to add gadgets and click on the "add gadgets"
Click on add gadgets
  • now choose out of 26 gadgets whichever you want and click on the plus button to add it 
for adding FB page link, add HTML/javascript gadgets and copy-paste HTML code there

HTML Code for FB page:

copy all the below code and paste in your website

<center><div class="fb-page" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/Infohub-2006995222918567/" data-width="360" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"></div></center>

*NOTE: change the highlighted text with your FB page URL

HTML Code for About Us page:

copy code and paste it in your website

Click for  About US Html Code

*NOTE: change the highlighted text with your image URL, write whatever text you want and your FB page URL accordingly


After doing all the above steps now its time to create pages and publish them. Your blog must contain these 5 pages:
1. Home  2. About Us  3. Contact Us  4. Privacy Policy and  5. Disclaimer
Creating pages is very simple, it is like of publishing post. First, you have to go to "Pages" Sections and then click on the 'new page' and give a title to it like about me, contact us, privacy policy, etc and then write your content and publish it.

Click on the "new page" and one by one create and publish all these 4 pages with proper content.


For monetization related queries and AdSense approval, I have already published my post, click on the link below and read the full post to get easy approval for AdSense.

If you have any queries or suggestions related to this comment down below and let me know, Thanks.

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